Quran multilanguage

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    1. بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    1|1|Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux.
    2. الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
    1|2|Louange à Allah, Seigneur de l'univers.
    3. الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    1|3|Le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux,
    4. مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ
    1|4|Maître du Jour de la rétribution.
    5. إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
    1|5|C'est Toi [Seul] que nous adorons, et c'est Toi [Seul] dont nous implorons secours.
    6. اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ
    1|6|Guide-nous dans le droit chemin,
    7. صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ
    1|7|le chemin de ceux que Tu as comblés de faveurs, non pas de ceux qui ont encouru Ta colère, ni des égarés.

    180 réponses sur « Quran multilanguage »

    1. this is really a wonderful work brother but it is not working with my site. It is giving me this error « Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response. »

    2. Salam alikome,
      First of all I would like to thank you for the quality of the work that you share for free.
      I am contacting you to help me solve the problem I encountered while uploading the quran extension.
      I have no problem with the display of the plugin the first time, however as soon as I want to change the sura I have no display.
      Barraka Allah fik for your help.

      1. Aleykoum salem,
        Je vous ai aidé à corriger le problème sur whatapp.
        Si vous avez d’autres problèmes n’hésitez pas
        Barak’Allahou fik

    3. Hi, bro when I create a shortcode it work but the text of Quran disappear instantly I don’t understand why this happen to me, I try it also with the theme that you are using in this website but the same problem. please bro help me.

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